- Careful driving is not probable cause for the police to search your car. At this point, I’m pretty sure you can probably count on one hand the activities that are not probably cause for a search.
- Obama declares that his support for gun control is not about politics, but opposing gun control is.
- If you work at a company that provides free lunch, like Google, Yahoo, and Facebook, the IRS wants to tax it as income.
- MSNBC: All your kids are belong to us.
- RTP, Mouseketeer, Annette Funicello. This is a personal tragedy for most guys om their 60s and 70s.
- Wikileaks releases 1.7 million U.S. diplomatic records from 1973-1976. This, of course, means that facts will become known without first being sanitized through the Ministry of Truth, which really pisses off the U.S. government.
- North Korean advises foreigners to leave South Korea while they still can, but the U.S. says, no problemo, the U.S.can intercept North Korean missiles.
- Verizon is back in bed with the Feds to help them violate your 4th Amendment rights. You will recall that Verizon, along with AT&T and BellSouth, were part of the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping fiasco back during the Bush years. To their credit, Qwest was the only Baby Bell to refuse to cooperate with the NSA.