This is another story of a parasitic politician feeding on ordinary people to get some free news coverage and create a name for herself in the sex crimes arena. In the process, she destroys people’s lives while accomplishing absolutely nothing of value for the community. As part of a sting operation, Nassau County, New York arrested 104 men trying to solicit an undercover cop. The DA then followed that up with a self-serving press conference and gratuitous public display of the mug shots of all the men before they’ve even been prosecuted..
As Reason Magazine’s Jacob Sullum says in the New York Daily News:
It is hard to imagine a bigger waste of law enforcement resources than “Operation Flush the Johns,” the month-long sting that resulted in 104 arrests announced by Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice on Monday.
Like the drug war, the preferred strategy for anti-prostitution crusaders is to set up a sting operation and con people into committing a crime. As with most victimless crime, both parties engage in the transaction voluntarily, so neither one complains to the cops. As attitudes about consensual “crime” have relaxed, “women’s rights” organizations have stepped up their strategy of trying to characterize all prostitution as human trafficking wherein women are forced into the business, usually as children. To the anti-prostitution movement, any woman who says she’s doing it voluntarily, is simply in denial. It would be hard to conjure up more of an insult to the intelligence and free will of women.
As with the drug war, keeping prostitution illegal benefits no one, least of all women in the profession. It forces suppliers and customers into a dangerous underground market where real crime thrives and there are few protections. To claim it’s for their own good is the height of arrogant hypocrisy.
In the 1920s, the U.S. experimented with alcohol prohibition and found it to be a complete and utter failure. We now see history repeating itself with similar prohibitions. In an effort to limit the hazards of some activity, government outlaws the entire activity, but human proclivities are rarely so easily suppressed. In the end, such a prohibition becomes little more than a full employment program for control freaks, law enforcement neanderthals, judges, prison employees, and overly ambitious fame-chasing DAs.
Thanks to people like District Attorney Kathleen Rice women are less safe, not more safe.