In an interview with Bill Moyers that is scheduled to air on PBS this evening, Glenn Greenwald explains what motivates terrorist attacks against the U.S. (and it’s not because “they hate us for our freedom”). He discusses reactions to the Boston bombings.
With regard to privacy, Greenwald says that citizens are supposed to know almost everything about their government, which is why it’s called the “public sector”, and government should know very little about citizens (unless they commit a crime), which is why it’s called the private sector. Instead this has been turned on its head. Government has become exceedingly secretive and it tries to know everything about citizens.
The belief that the more the government knows about us, the safer we’ll be is false. The fact is that, the more the government knows about us, the more likely they will be to abuse their powers. As I have said numerous times before, the biggest threat to liberty almost invariably comes from our own government.