Cop gets a slap on the wrist for accessing personal information of 54 people for personal reasons.

Clearwater, FL police commander, Lt. Richard Crean, used a law enforcement data base to access personal information of anyone and everyone he was interested in, including “his ex-wife’s boyfriend, a television news reporter and the wives of other police officers.”  The department is recommending that he be demoted and suspended for 5 days.  Apparently this doesn’t rise to the level of a crime for which his ass should be prosecuted.

Bryan Felts, a Tampa officer that Crean looked up twice said, “I’ve never seen anything like it. At my agency, that just would never, never fly.  All they did was demote him? That’s incredible.”

My guess is that there would have been a lot less concern had there been no cops among the victims.  In fact, I’d be willing to bet that this kind of abuse is so commonplace that the only thing that sets this case apart is that someone actually got in trouble.